A voice of compassion for people in need | Sacred Heart Southern Missions .A voice of compassion for people in need | Sacred Heart Southern Missions
Sacred Heart Southern Misssions Volunteers

Planned Giving Opportunities

A child in need of a quality Catholic education; a poor family in need of food or a job; a faith community in need of a church in which to worship are just some of the reasons members of Sacred Heart Southern Missions make special gifts, called Planned Gifts. Below are some Planned Giving options to consider.

Will Kit

Will KitA gift in your Will extends your lifetime of helping far into the future to insure the continuation of services to poor families, their children and to the Mission Church. All who include Sacred Heart Southern Missions in their Will are assured of a faithful remembrance in prayer through their enrollment in the Sacred Heart Spiritual Society’s daily Mass.

A Will enables you to control the final distribution of your assets to loved ones and to charities you support like Sacred Heart Southern Missions. Sometimes a gift by Will is the only way a person can make a substantial gift to our work. If you need to write a Will, we can help with practical worksheets to aid in your planning.


A Gift Annuity is a marvelous tool that enables you to make a gift to help the poor and receive in return generous payments for the rest of your life. The fixed amount paid to you will never change. The rates paid are higher than most investments. A Gift Annuity provides a great income supplement. There are nice income tax benefits, too. You will have the satisfaction of knowing you are helping some of the poorest people in the country while you receive lifetime payments.

Stocks and Bonds

Stocks & BondsIf you have stocks you have owned for at least a year that have increased in value, you can use them to make a gift to help the children in our schools, and poor families in need of shelter and other basics. Your gift would qualify for a tax deduction for the full current value of the stocks and enable you to avoid all tax on your stock’s capital gains. Download our Stock Transfer Form, or contact your broker to make your gift.