"Do You Need a Ramp?"


Mr. Wills is over 90 years old. Recently, he underwent hip replacement surgery. His pastor contacted Sacred Heart Southern Missions Volunteer Services. We learned he might need a wheelchair ramp.

Lois, our Volunteer Services Coordinator, inspected the front of his home for repairs. When she did, Mr. Wills explained he was having trouble getting up and down the stairs. Lois asked, “Do you need a ramp?”

“Absolutely not,” he insisted, shaking his head to make his point. “I’m over 90 years old. I’m not going to spend the few remaining days I have left in a wheelchair. Can you make me some rails for the steps?”

Volunteers made Mr. Wills’ rails a week later, thanks to your generosity.

Many of the poor who come to us seeking help in an emergency share Mr. Wills’ spirited thirst for self-reliance. They resist asking for help because they want to handle their affairs themselves. But they come to us because they have no choice. They have nowhere else to turn. Once helped, they have the strength they need to get back on their feet. Their undefeatable spirit is inspiring. The love of the Sacred Heart, working through your generosity, touches so many lives. You provided the wood and nails that built that rail. You put those hammers and drills in the volunteers’ hands.

Thank you!
