Request Sacred Heart Spiritual Society Folders

To enroll a loved one for prayer after a folder has been used, click here.

Send A Blank Folder - Enroll the person I name and send the blank folder I choose. I will inscribe the folder myself.

Send A Folder w/Inscription - I want Sacred Heart Spiritual Society to enroll the person I name and inscribe the person's name in a Burgundy Folder.

Folders For Future Use - I do not want to enroll someone at this time, but I would like to have a folder on hand. 

Select A Folder

Express your sympathy by sending our traditional Sacred Heart Burgundy Folder in memory of a departed loved one.

Our traditional 6.5in x 8.5 hard cover Enrollment Folder

This Healing Folder enrolls a beloved friend or relative burdened with life's hardships in the Holy Sacrifice of Mass celebrated in the Sacred Heart Southern Missions.

Our 5.25in X 7.5in gold stamped Enrollment Folder

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Express your sympathy by sending a Sacred Heart Memorial Folder in memory of a departed loved one.

Our 5.25in X 7.5in gold stamped Cross Enrollment Folder

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Express your sympathy by sending a Sacred Heart Memorial Folder in memory of a departed loved one.

Our new popular 5.25in X 7.5in multi-page Enrollment Folder

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